
Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2023


  Hello people! Here you have 2 murals about helthy habits and my answer in a forum of class. I hope you enjoy it!

Here you have some important information, I hope it helps you!

 Doodle Here you have some information about the trip Trip to Prado Museum I also leave you a wooclap activity related to healthy habits


Here you have a mindmap to know more about healthy habits! Enjoy it!! Your browser does not support frames. View this map on its original site. It was created using Mindomo .


Hello people! Here you have an infographic of some things you should have on your routine! I hope you like it!

New Instagram account!

Hello guys, my colleagues and I have created an instagram account where we will upload healthy habits. I hope you love it!  Instagram: @healthyteachers_urjc  https://instagram.com/ healthyteachers_urjc?igshid= YmMyMTA2M2Y= Instagram is a very popular social network among young people that offers the possibility of sharing photographs with other users and receiving comments or "likes" from your followers, as well as sharing different opinions on different topics, and watching the news from all over the world.  We have chosen this social network as we use it in our daily life and we are familiarized with it. What is more, in it we can share different videos or photographs as well as news, and we firmly believe it is the best option since the vast majority of the population knows about this social network. I think that using social networks for educational purposes is very interesting since networks are very present today in the lives of children and it is important to make ...

Powerpoint about Climate


Me and my friends!


Personal presentation

Hello people! I am Elena Casillas, the owner of this blog. I am witting this in order to introduce myself and for you to know me a little bit. I am a student  of pre-primary eduaction in my first year of degree.  Since a really early age I loved the fact of being a teacher, at first it was only because I loved kids, now that I am older, I will love to help kids to develop their knowledges and capacities since this period of life is extremely important for education.  The aim of this blog is to post all my advances at the subject of  Computer Science and digital competeces. I hope you enjoy it!