
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2023


Healthy habits (Should or shouldn't) , una ficha interactiva de victor live worksheets.com Healthy Habits , una ficha interactiva de Elenascomputer live worksheets.com Exercise 2 , una ficha interactiva de Elenascomputer live worksheets.com Healthy habits 3 , an interactive worksheet by Elenascomputer live worksheets.com Wordsearch , an interactive worksheet by Elenascomputer live worksheets.com Exercise 5 , an interactive worksheet by Elenascomputer live worksheets.com

Games about healthy habits!

PIXLR picture!

I hope you like it! 

Characters activity!

Exercise 1 https://sketch.metademolab.com/share/71fd640df6514a8698efe97c4319fb3c/running_jump Exercise 2 Exercise 3

Healthy Habits video!

 I hope you enjoy it!

Digital safety!

Hi guys! Here I leave you a piece of news so that you can find out more about phising and I also leave you an example of my own e-mail. https://cadenaser.com/cmadrid/2023/02/28/phishing-o-suplantacion-de-identidad-los-problemas-de-ciberseguridad-mas-consultados-en-2022-en-el-017-de-incibe-ser-madrid-sur/ I also leave you a mindmap with very important information for your digital security! I hope it works for you!

Hi guys! Here is a comic about Elena's Sunday routine, a 9-year-old girl, I hope you like it a lot!
